Here at Reflo Company Limited, we are dedicated to empowering women in Africa. We believe that, women are not passive victims of oppressive structures but have struggled to change their social and economic standing and wellbeing.

Our hope is to see an African society where both women and girls are emancipated to make their own choices and transform their lives in a way that will help promote their political, socio-economic and educational development. This is in line with the sustainable development goals 5 and 10, which seeks to promote gender equality. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful and sustainable society. This makes it mandatory for us to empower women and as a result of that, we provide women in Africa with the best quality sanitary products because they deserve the best.
Empowering women is not a catalyst to battle gender roles with men but a tool to make the woman understand and make choices that affects her positively. As African women, we need to be re-oriented. The conventional notion of what is expected of a woman is changing. We are redefining womanhood. Culture does not make people. People make culture. Although, we are slowly making progress in the way the world perceives and appreciates women, there is still much more to accomplish. It is a collective movement.
Let us join hands together to empower each other to get to the pinnacle.
Message From The Managing Director
“I am saddened by the number of people living below the poverty line amongst us here in Africa and I believe firmly that our society, if well-engineered, can elevate the down-trodden and less privileged. Getting there might be a long steady haul but I believe it is worthwhile to start!
Every one of us can make a change in our own minuet capacity. Our lives are interlinked with that of others and no one is irrelevant.
Over centuries, women have not had many opportunities ranging from political, social, economic development and in their careers. We have been restricted to home maintenance.
There is so much more to a woman than just womanhood. Women are equally capable of effecting change in their societies and need the appropriate platform to thrive.
To me, it is vital for a woman to be an independent, self-reliant individual. We should be seen as human beings, void of gender or any social segregation.
We, just as any other gender have goals, dreams and ambitions we would like to accomplish. We should be allowed to make our own choices without fear or discrimination. If this becomes the case across board, we will be able to contribute significantly to our African society and enable a stronger continent for our future generations.